
Edited by

Timothy M. Lenton:
Report lead: Global Systems Institute (GSI), University of Exeter, UK; Earth Commission

David I. Armstrong McKay:
Section 1 lead: GSI, University of Exeter, UK; Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), Stockholm University, Sweden; Earth Commission

Sina Loriani:
Section 1 lead: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Member of the Leibniz Association, Germany; Earth Commission

Jesse F. Abrams:
Section 2 lead: GSI, University of Exeter, UK; Earth Commission

Steven J. Lade:
Section 2 lead: Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University; SRC, Stockholm University, Sweden

Jonathan F. Donges:
Section 2 lead: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany; SRC, Stockholm University, Sweden

Manjana Milkoreit:
Section 3 lead: University of Oslo, Norway; Norwegian Institute for Foreign Affairs

Tom Powell:
Section 4 lead: GSI, University of Exeter, UK

Steven R. Smith:
Section 4 lead: GSI, University of Exeter, UK; Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, University of Surrey, UK

Caroline Zimm:
Section 4 lead: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria; Earth Commission

Emma Bailey:
Section 4 lead: GSI, University of Exeter, UK

Joshua E. Buxton:
Section 2 lead: GSI, University of Exeter, UK

James G. Dyke:
Report Framing Editor: GSI, University of Exeter, UK

Ashish Ghadiali:
Report Framing Editor: Radical Ecology; UK; GSI, Visiting Fellow, University of Exeter, UK

Laurie Laybourn:
Report Framing Editor: Chatham House, UK; GSI, Visiting Fellow, University of Exeter, UK

©The Global Tipping Points Report 2023, University of Exeter, UK

Led by

University of Exeter GSI

Funded by

Bezos Earth Fund logo

Report Partners

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The views expressed throughout the report are those of the authors and their individual capacities, not those of their employers, institutions or the report’s funder, Bezos Earth Fund, as a whole. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the content of this report is hereby expressly disclaimed. The content of this report is provided ‘as is’- no representations are made that the content is error-free.

Suggested full report citation

T. M. Lenton, D.I. Armstrong McKay, S. Loriani, J.F. Abrams, S.J. Lade, J.F. Donges, M. Milkoreit, T. Powell, S.R. Smith, C. Zimm, J.E. Buxton, E. Bailey, L. Laybourn, A. Ghadiali, J.G. Dyke (eds), 2023, The Global Tipping Points Report 2023. University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.


We would like to thank all the people, and institutions who have contributed to The Global Tipping Points Report 2023. More than two hundred authors and 25 institutions have offered their knowledge, time and commitment to engage in researching, discussing and writing on the topics covered in this report. Without them, it would not be what it is today and for this we wish to express our profound gratitude and respect.  

Professor Timothy M. Lenton, Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter, inspiringly led this ambitious report, holding the team together, providing expert feedback and championing the aims, key messages and recommendations.       

Section coordinating authors David I. Armstrong McKay; Sina Loriani; Jesse F. Abrams; Steven J. Lade; Jonathan F. Donges; Manjana Milkoreit; Tom Powell; Steven R. Smith; Caroline Zimm; Joshua E. Buxton and Emma Bailey, have shown immense determination and drive in producing, editing and co-ordinating each section. For this we are eternally grateful. 

This report was reliant on extensive author engagement, therefore we thank all the chapter and subchapter leads and contributing authors for their insightful and expert contributions (please see author list: Appendix 2 for the details of all chapter leads and contributing authors).     

Beyond authors, the project has been expertly managed by Andy Richards, co-ordinated by Candice Morgan-Glendinning, with tireless, valuable support from Katya Romankevich. Andy Coles and James Vine have worked extensively on the design and coordination of the report and website. Garth Davies and Alex Morrison have led on communications throughout, aiding and guiding us in reaching a vast audience beyond academia. Additionally, thank you to dtwo Creative Limited (D2) for working with the team on producing the final report design and website; and Custom Editorial for their valued copyediting services throughout the process. 

We would like to thank all those who took the time to review and comment on the draft sections of the report (please see Appendix 2), adding to the rigour and commitment to the quality of the Report. Moreover, we would like to thank the editorial team for their insight and commitment to the consistency and flow of the report.  

Finally, the Global Tipping Points Report would not have been produced without the generosity of the Bezos Earth Fund, which funded the report, and the guidance and support from Kelly Levin, Chief of Science, Data and Systems Change for the Bezos Earth Fund. 

Thank you all.

The Global Tipping Points Team    

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