4.4.5 Detecting ‘early opportunity indicators’ for positive tipping points

Joshua E. Buxton, Chris A. Boulton

Joshua E. Buxton, Chris A. Boulton

Key messages

  • ‘Early opportunity indicators’ in key variables can be detected for some positive tipping points.
  • This approach could enhance opportunities for intervention to accelerate positive tipping points, or could be used to assess the impact of previous measures. 


  • Greater focus should be given to identifying potential early opportunity indicators in a range of sociotechnical and other systems that may be important targets for PTPs. 
  • Where possible, variables for EOIs should be chosen that represent more than one dimension of systemic change, for example by assessing sales data and public sentiment in parallel. 


Statistical signals that could provide early warning of Earth system tipping points may also be detectable for positive tipping points (PTPs). Identifying such signals in key indicators for target systems could provide early indication of opportunities for (for example) policy intervention to accelerate tipping when the resilience of an incumbent system is weakening. They could also be used to monitor the impact of past or future interventions. Because PTPs involve complex interactions across different domains of society, it may be useful to assess multiple indicators spanning these dimensions. A case study in electric vehicles (EVs) demonstrates that ‘early opportunity indicators’ (EOIs) can be detected in market share of internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) as they approach a tipping point and lose majority market share to EVs. Similar signals can be observed in public interest in EVs, as expressed through advertisement views online.

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