A polycentric approach to PTP governance

The primary objective of any future system of governance for ESTPs is prevention. In contrast, the primary objective of any future system of governance with respect to PTPs in human (social) systems is promotion. However, in common with and in coordination with ESTP governance, a clear and persuasive logic and agenda for action, political coalition-building, and a multi-scale or polycentric approach and framework is needed (Ostrom, 2010; Jordan et al., 2018). A polycentric system is a nested hierarchy of authorities from local to global scales. Each authority has a degree of independence to set and enforce rules. For example, a local authority might be responsible for community-owned energy or food cooperatives; a region might be responsible for new transport and energy infrastructure, or for supporting and reskilling workers in a just transition; each nation might continue being responsible for setting GHG emissions targets and implementing plans to meet them, as they are now. These authorities would also interact, learn from each other, and coordinate efforts to ensure that, collectively, the global goals – for example, net-zero GHG emissions by 2050, or 50 per cent fewer people in poverty by 2030 – are achieved (Elsässer et al., 2022). 

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