Harmful tipping points in the natural world pose some of the gravest threats faced by humanity. Their triggering will severely damage our planet’s life-support systems and threaten the stability of our societies.
In the Summary Report:
• Narrative summary
• Global tipping points infographic
• Key messages
• Key Recommendations
Executive summary
• Section 1
• Section 2
• Section 3
• Section 4
This report is for all those concerned with tackling escalating Earth system change and mobilising transformative social change to alter that trajectory, achieve sustainability and promote social justice.
In this section:
• Foreword
• Introduction
• Key Concepts
• Approach
• References
Considers Earth system tipping points. These are reviewed and assessed across the three major domains of the cryosphere, biosphere and circulation of the oceans and atmosphere. We then consider the interactions and potential cascades of Earth system tipping points, followed by an assessment of early warning signals for Earth system tipping points.
Considers tipping point impacts. First we look at the human impacts of Earth system tipping points, then the potential couplings to negative tipping points in human systems. Next we assess the potential for cascading and compounding systemic risk, before considering the potential for early warning of impact tipping points.
Considers how to govern Earth system tipping points and their associated risks. We look at governance of mitigation, prevention and stabilisation then we focus on governance of impacts, including adaptation, vulnerability and loss and damage. Finally, we assess the need for knowledge generation at the science-policy interface.
Focuses on positive tipping points in technology, the economy and society. It provides a framework for understanding and acting on positive tipping points. We highlight illustrative case studies across energy, food and transport and mobility systems, with a focus on demand-side solutions (which have previously received limited attention).
Social tipping points resulting from Earth system destabilisation are under-researched. Consequently, no specific early warning signal tracking mechanisms have been established. But as suggested above, new datasets and methodological developments could prove to be useful for sensing the states of various social subsystems, ideally to prevent negative social tipping being triggered. For instance, early warning signals for anomie induced by Earth system destabilisation could be developed by tracking what people post and share online. Deep learning approaches have been developed to detect mental illness from user content on social media (Uban et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2020). Monitoring user content over time for signals of mental illness could allow detection of changes (e.g. acceleration, jumps) and/or monitoring the spread of content linked to mental illness across social networks for (complex) contagion processes (Wiedermann et al., 2020). This could provide information that a likely tipping point is approaching. Similar approaches could be used to detect deviant behaviours (Coletto et al., 2016). Combining these various measures and others such as distrust (Sampson et al., 2016) could produce a tool to monitor the dynamic anomie state of a society exposed to Earth system destabilisation.